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Mountain & Hiking Guides

If you don't just want to look at the peaks, but really want to climb them, and you're not quite sure of what you're doing, you can simply look for a companion: There would be on the one hand the state-certified mountain guides or on the other hand the mountain hiking guides. These mountain experts are usually friendly, witty, good-looking and - most importantly - they know the Gesäuse mountains like the back of their hand. They help you to assess your own ability and to achieve something in terms of mountain experience that you might not have thought possible. Because up there in the Gesäuse mountains, something happens inside you and your eyes will sparkle.


recommended hiking & mountain guides

Before you and the Gesäuse really get started, we would like to introduce you to our mountain and hiking guides. If you still have questions, just contact our team - we will be happy to help you personally.